Anjela On Runway

Anjela On Runway
Baltimore Fashion Show

Monday, December 17, 2012

December 2012 - Happy Holidays - a NEW piece

Hello everyone, Happy Holidays to you all.  This is a time of being appreciative for being who you are.  Happiness  means everything, so evaluate your life and get something new.
A new coat, blouse, trousers or donate to charity.
Be health conscious of what your eat.  Do a brisk walk today. Walk is good for the heart.
Take a minute to meditate in the morning. 

Have peace on earth.
Have a merry Christmas and a Happy new year.

Thank you and yours for all your interest and support

see ya next year.  Stay tuned for bigger and better things.


follow us on twitter    @anjelapresents

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Daily Refresh

Hello to everyone,
Rise and shine get ready for the fall and winter coming. look at your wardrobe and decide what you have to up date or change. Something that's gonna make you feel better and good about yourself when you step out the door. Lots of time we don't know what the deal is about ourselves, but as soon as we get something new we feel hundred times better, and I think you deserve it don't you?
Remember to start your day with a good breakfast, example  orange juice and piece of toast, maybe oatmeal, tea and fruit. you have to put food into your body to make it run healthy. don't forget to exercise, walk up the stairs instead of taking the escalator. Anjela Presents is  here to partner with you, send me your questions or concerns. Be on the look out for the next Anjela Presents Holiday Fashion Show in December for the Divine Ministries in Baltimore. You won't want to miss it. 
Seminars will begin in the spring for wardrobe consulting, Fashion workshops, and many more,  for individuals and cooperate business.

                                                                 So until next time  
                                                                 Anjela/Anjela Presents

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Summer is past and COLOR is HERE NOW

Hello everyone summer is over and fall is approaching fast. I hope you
all enjoyed every minute of it.  I will be at the crown plaza hotel for
Ruth International mission fundraiser doing a fashion show please come
out and support them.  SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2012   2-5

Fall is again for colorful clothing. just watch how
the trees change colors. so bring out your greens, yellow, browns,
orange, and purple is gonna be a hit this year. shoes are more
glamorous than ever sparkle, shiny, heels are more thicker and wider.

Remember always look your best, you never know who is watching. Eat
healthy to stay healthy.  Get some exercise in when you can. Walking is
great. Again Don't Sweat The Small Stuff.   Have Fun.     

 Until next time

Friday, August 31, 2012

Sept 9, 2012 Crowne Plaza Hotel Silver Springs MD

Place: The Crowne Plaza Hotel, Silver Spring, MD
Time: 2P - 5P Prompt
Ticket Price: $50 and $60 at the door
Featuring ANJELA PRESENTS, The fabulous O'MAK DESIGNS and debuting REENIQUE DESIGNS!!
Scrumptious Hors d"oeuvres, Vendors, Door Prizes, ELIGIBLE BACHELORS DATE AUCTION and more!!!
Prize for BEST DRESSED, so make sure you bring it!!!
We need your support, pass this flier around!!!
Thank you!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

AnjelaPresents Aug Update

Hello everyone I hope your having a great summer, i've been having some illness in family, so I will continue to blog
for you every thursday. when things get you down just thank God and he'll pick you up and make everything fine.
you just have to believe!
Remember color and print is appropriate for summer.Prints can enhance or minimize your proportions.
Dark hues can help areas appear slimmer. While bright shades and patterns play them up.
Have fun and dont forget to accessorize.

Up and coming  for Anjelapresents 

September 9th 2012 Crowne Plaza Hotel  Silver Springs Md. Fashion Show

                             Until Next Time   Anjela(

Friday, June 15, 2012

Father's day 6/17/2012..... and Fashion

Hello everyone Sunday is father's day. So make sure you acknowledge him in any way shape form or 
fashion. We love our Dads. He's always there to listen when we need him. And for those of you who lost there dads dont worry he's still with you.  Just Keep praying. 
 So to all the Father's Here's to you 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

2012 Hot Summer TIPS

It's gonna be a hot summer so make sure you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. 
It also makes your skin look good.

Take a little me time for yourself and have some fun. You deserve it.   
Wear light colored clothes during the day when its hot if you can.
Cover your head from the sun.  Rejuvenate with a fresh start. 
Until next time  stay cool. 

Intro to Anjela Presents

 Hello, My name is Anjela Haynes Smith I will bring weekly fashion information to you so you can feel more confident about yourself.   
I grew up in the fashion industry modeling and traveling, Thanks to my mom Smiler Haynes from Boston Mass. She inspired me to continue.  So I went to cosmetology school and worked for a number of hair care companies.   I have met a lot of people doing trade shows by modeling on the east and west coasts.  Now, I  want to share everything with you. 
I've established ANJELA PRESENTS to give you information on what is up and coming.  There's no limit to what you can do!   You just have to believe in yourself, and do it.  I will keep blogging every week so stay in touch.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Anjela Presents YOUR Presence

Hi everyone My name is Anjela I've worked in the fashion industry  for 18yrs in retail and have been
modeling since elementary school. I grew up with my mom designing and making my clothes which was a lot of fun. But now I love  watching what will be coming out each season.  For this year, 2012, it's all about the bright colors. Don't be afraid to pair yellows with blues, purple, and even orange.

Colors make you feel alive and free. So, step away from the black this summer and add some colors just think about the color of a peacock, and the rainbow. So go ahead and rejuvenate your self. Don't forget to add a little bling.  So until next time.

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