Anjela On Runway

Anjela On Runway
Baltimore Fashion Show

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Summer is past and COLOR is HERE NOW

Hello everyone summer is over and fall is approaching fast. I hope you
all enjoyed every minute of it.  I will be at the crown plaza hotel for
Ruth International mission fundraiser doing a fashion show please come
out and support them.  SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2012   2-5

Fall is again for colorful clothing. just watch how
the trees change colors. so bring out your greens, yellow, browns,
orange, and purple is gonna be a hit this year. shoes are more
glamorous than ever sparkle, shiny, heels are more thicker and wider.

Remember always look your best, you never know who is watching. Eat
healthy to stay healthy.  Get some exercise in when you can. Walking is
great. Again Don't Sweat The Small Stuff.   Have Fun.     

 Until next time